root = "/Users/Tom/Documents/YNP_Bison_Model/" path = function (stem,r=root){ return(paste(r,stem, sep="")) } ##Create master data obejct #source(path("Data and data reduction/Master Data Reduction Final.R")) ##Run MCMC for frequency depdendent model source(path("Frequency Dependent/Call_one_beta_model_final.R")) #Run MCMC for desnity dependent modells() source(path("Density Dependent/Call_one_beta_model_final.R")) #Run forecasts and scenarios source(path("Forecasts/Without management uncertainty/Call_one_beta_model_final_VII_revised.R")) source(path("Forecasts/With management uncertainty/Call_one_beta_model_final_mgmt_unc_III.R")) #Run MCMC for mixed model source(path("Freq and Dens Dependent/Call_one_beta_model_final.R")) #The following scripts depend on successful completion of MCMC for Frequency dependent model ###Run R_0 analysis source(path("Analyses/R_0 and lambda/Final Analysis of R0 for submission.R")) ## ###Run lambda analysis source(path("Analyses/R_0 and lambda/Final Analysis of lambda for submission.R")) ##Run table and plotting code source(path("Figures and Tables/Table and plotting code final IV.R")